Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Follow Your Head or Your Heart?

I love words. 

You might remember that about me. We talked about it last week. 

You might also remember my ridiculous indecision regarding which degree plan to choose.  Follow my heart and pursue writing or follow my head and pick something more practical than a liberal arts degree? 

After a lot of thought, and then some more thought, and a little thought to cap it off, I’ve made a decision … a liberal arts degree it is! 

After serving in the Army and working a series of jobs that centered on customer service, I’ve learned that it is important to listen to that little voice. You know, that nagging little bugger that rings through your brain every time something miserable happens? The one that tells you that your current state of disdain is your own fault? The one that reminds us we are the conductors on the one-way train to happy town? 

Well, choo choo, baby. 

I love writing. I love making people laugh, and I love making people cry. I love thinking, and I love making people think. And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather work hard at all of those things than spend my time wishing I’d followed my dreams. 

Why not just follow my dream to start with? 

For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients