To Facebook or not to Facebook, that is the question.

Anyone else struggling with the Facebook decision? To delete or not to delete, that is the question.

I’ve had a handful of friends announce that they planned to go dark, a kind of semi step into life without posts but without deleting their account completely. Others have disappeared from Facebook with nary a farewell post.

There is More to Social Media Than Just Finding Friends

By Jenna Moede

I know that social media helps us keep in touch with friends and family. In this crazy, military lifestyle that really feels like the most important aspect of social media.  

But, social media can help you with so much more!

I decided to take all the time that I had wasted mindlessly searching through old high school acquaintances and college friends and put it to use for a purpose. I knew a lot about social media because I studied public relations, but I didn’t realize just how many purposes it could serve. 

How to Use Social Media to Land a Job

Can you really post, comment and tweet your way to a job?

"Absolutely! I just hired someone today who found me and sent me her resume on LinkedIn," said Jennifer Takacs-O'Shea, President, Caterpillar Career Consultants, Inc. "Sites like LinkedIn are often a direct professional connection from job seekers to hiring managers and companies that are actively hiring."

Own a Business? Don’t be a Jerk on Social Media

Small business owners are at a disadvantage when it comes to advertising. Marketing materials are expensive. Copy space in newspapers, billboards and magazines is usually out of reach.

So, military spouses, stay-at-home moms and entrepreneurs who run their businesses out of their garage turn to Facebook to spread the word, often with a lot of success.

It’s a great place to tell friends about their new business. It’s a great place for their friends’ friends to spread the word.
It’s also a great place to kill your business if you are not careful with your posts.

Co-workers on Facebook – uh oh

It happened.

Until now, I’ve managed to avoid sharing my Facebook life with a co-worker. Then, I had to create a Facebook page for my job and the clients I manage. My co-worker joined it. No big deal. It’s all official work-related info.

Then, she sent me a request to join my personal page.

Ummmmm ….. crud.

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