Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
We're all in this together: Opening our communities to gay spouses and partners

Gay men and women are now allowed to serve beside my husband. The DOD now considers their partners to be my equal in the world of military spouses.

Sorry if I offend you, but, it sounds good to me.

Deployment Soundtrack: You and Me
You and Me

The Dave Matthews Band, 2009

Preview Song

Today became my long run day. Normally, I have short runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays or Saturdays I complete my long, training runs. But today, I woke up sick and tired. I didn't want to go to the gym and run, let alone workout with the trainer. My sweet soldier had given me a pass to take it easy today, but apparently, I was unwilling to accept it.

Love and live

I live you.

Homefront Spouse: Nixing Negativity

Happy February everyone!

I am happy to report that we officially have new orders! We’re off to Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Military spouses, time to buckle down

Ladies, you have had it easy.

In recent years, military families have become accustomed to discounts, freebies and over the top help from the community. Dare I say it, we are spoiled.

Deployment Soundtrack: Everyday

The Dave Matthews Band, 2001

Preview Song

"Run away from something or run toward something. Just keep running."

That was my status on Facebook one day. It is still cold here in Kansas so I am doing all of my running in the gym, on the treadmill. It is not fun but I am logging the miles. I have signed up for my first half marathon of the year, and it is 11 weeks (gulp) away.


I’ve been fighting it for a while.

And then, at one of those lazy, stay-in-pajamas Saturday breakfasts, my husband said it.

“I really hope the baby comes soon.  I want to get as much time with her as possible.”

Crash. My husband just brought our idyllic, eggs-and-bacon morning down around my very pregnant head.

Retiring and feel rushed? That’s the point

Are you being medically retired? Do you feel like you’re being tossed to the curb? Me too.

New voices, a shared story

It doesn’t matter if your husband fought in Vietnam or Iraq. It doesn’t matter if you served 20 years as a military spouse or five. You get it.

Deployment Soundtrack: If I Didn’t Have You
If I Didn't Have You

Thompson Square, 2012

Preview Song

While roaming Facebook one day, I saw a picture. It was one of those motivational posters that read, "You never forget the friends you make when you go to war." It depicted soldiers in a desert setting and I understood what it meant.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients