Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Travel, Travel, Travel!!

Look around slowly, children. Soak it in. Remember this. You may never see this again.

I wanted to say that over and over again to my kids last week as we explored the island of Hawaii. We saw oodles of waterfalls, splashed on black sand beaches, ooh’d and ahh’d as giant, green sea turtles slipped into the bright blue water.

There is a lot that is inconvenient about military life. The PCS moves thousands of miles from home can be terrifying and difficult. But those same far flung locales are also the memories our kids will cherish for decades.

The military is the only reason my children have seen the deserts of the Mideast. The military is the only reason we were able to stand on the rare black sand beaches. Without a PCS move to Hawaii, we could never afford seven airfares from our east coast home.

We are planning a trip to South Korea next summer with the help of the frequent, free flights that leave the local Air Force base.

Surprisingly, many families we know never take advantage of the nearby travel opportunities. We know families in Hawaii who have never really left the housing area.

It can be terrifying, yes.

It can be difficult, yes.

But, I promise, it will be fantastic. And you will remember it.

So, please, step outside your comfort zone and take the leap. Drive to the other side of your new, temporary hometown. Visit a local national park, even if hiking isn’t exactly your thing. Go check out whatever the local hot spot is. Check out the map, see what is near - especially what you can afford to get to that you will never have the opportunity to visit again.

You will not regret it.

Then, look around. Slowly. Soak it in. Remember these beautiful, odd, foreign locales. For you may never see this place again.


For Military Spouses
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