Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Deployment Soundtrack: It's Raining Men
It's Raining Men

The Weather Girls, 1982

Preview Song

It’s raining men.

And gear.

And uniforms.

And socks.

And boots.

Oh, we are so glad to have them home, but wow.

Has it begun for you yet? Is the homecoming honeymoon over?

There are the jokes you don't get between him and his buddies. His frustration at your home’s noise level – he’s accustomed to soldiers not children. And his constant question, "Where is it? It was right here when I left.” Yes, that was 12 months ago.

When I get frustrated with the difficulties of reintegration, I have to step back and look at myself and ask, “Am I doing the same thing? Am I saying things like, ‘Just forget it. I'll do it’ or ‘you think this is loud, you should have heard the three kids and the dog three weeks ago’.”

And there are the jokes he will never understand from my last Girls' Night Out.

We have to relearn how to be a team. He has to adjust and I have to adjust. We will get there - together.

Strength and Courage ... sby

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